Stay With Him Page 4
Suddenly his hand grabbed at my excitement, guiding my length against him. Looking down at him in the dark I felt his free hand stroking my cheek, pulling me in to kiss him before I heard his muffled words against my lips.
“Take me,” he groaned.
Pressing my shaft against his tightness I edged forward, rocking slowly back and forth as I entered my best friend for the first time.
His voice rang out as I penetrated him, his body tight around me as I moved. The feeling was incredible, his tight warmth crushing me as I began to take him, making love to him for the first time.
The experience felt so amazing, the emotions and physical act merging to form something I never thought I would experience. Inch by inch I drove deeper into him, his choked cries of pleasure rushing out against me.
We found our rhythm again, his hips wriggling beneath me, grinding him against my shaft. After a few minutes we were rocking together, my hips slamming forward, driving my deeper and deeper until he could take no more.
As I took him I wrapped my hand around his shaft, pumping him slowly, grinning against his lips as he screamed in sheer delight. His entire body rocked and I knew that he wouldn’t last much longer, but then I felt exactly the same.
My entire body ached for the blissful release, the feeling of his ass against me driving me wild. The way he rocked his hips against me drew out my pleasure, the squeezing tightness of him more incredible than I could have ever imagined.
I shivered as a wave of pleasure ripped through me, gasping as my chest tightened. There was almost nothing I could do to hold back, his fingers tightening in my hair as he held my head close to his.
His legs wrapped tight around my waist, his hips moving faster against me and in that moment I knew I was done for. His pleasure throbbed in my grip as I continued to jack him, my balls tightening as I slammed against him one last time.
Burying myself deep, I held myself in position, roaring into the darkness as I spilled my seed inside of him. It rushed out in a wave, never ending as it poured free, filling him up as he continued to grind himself against me.
He cried out as I roared above him, his entire body shaking as he squirmed beneath me. In my grip I felt him throb in excitement, his warmth erupting free, hot and sticky between us. It spilled out over my fingers as he moaned into the night, splashing down against his hard stomach.
We held on to each other, never letting go, still rocking slowly as one. Our lips met again, a soft embrace unlike anything I’d ever known, the perfection of that moment so over powering.
I had no idea how long I’d wanted Liam for, but right then I knew it had been well worth the wait. What we’d done together was more incredible than I could have imagined, the sheer intensity in our touch making me ache for so much more.
There were so many things I needed to ask him, so much I wanted to do, but first I needed to catch my breath.
Kissing him one last time I rolled onto my side, laying down next to him, stroking my fingers through his hair.
“Wow,” I breathed, kissing him again.
“Wow indeed,” he chuckled.
Neither of us said another word, staring at each other in the dark silence, both of us letting the reality of what we had done sink in.
Chapter 9
As I lay wrapped in his arms I tried to catch my breath, accepting that this was really happening. His fingers stroked softly through my hair, his lips kissing the back of my neck so softly as I cuddled up a little closer.
Every last touch felt incredible, the slow tracing of his fingers driving me wild. I’d never felt closer to anyone in my entire life, and that only made what I was feeling even more intense.
The moment felt perfect but I was still trying to process it all. Everything had moved so fast, catching me completely off guard. I hadn’t ever expected to admit how I was feeling, but the need to just confess had ripped through me.
From the moment I’d told him, things had begun to spiral, getting completely out of hand. He’d kissed me, he’d actually kissed me, and from then there was nothing I could do to hold back, not when we were so close to having what we both clearly wanted.
I’d been so surprised by his reaction, but there’d been no time to ask any questions or talk about it. We’d both gotten carried away, clearly letting go of everything that had held us back leading up to that moment.
Shifting around, I turned to face my best friend and lover, looking deep into his eyes. He smiled back at me, nudging his nose against mine in a gesture that made my heart leap for joy. It was such an intimate thing to do and I’d never expected to be doing it with him.
Mike had shown absolutely no signs that he was interested in me in that way, but now it was obvious.
“How come you never told me you felt this way?” I asked.
He looked at me with a crooked smile, shrugging his huge shoulders.
Everything about him made me melt, just looking at him getting my excitement racing again. In the dark I’d been almost unable to make him out, but now the lights were on I got to really appreciate just how gorgeous he was.
His arms were huge, his muscles rippling beneath a layer of dark hair. He was more toned than I could have ever imagined, his stomach ripped beyond belief. Every flex of his arms made my mouth water, the need to feel him again becoming unbearable.
“I never thought there was any point,” he answered bluntly. “You never exactly made it clear until tonight, that you felt like this.”
I chuckled softly under my breath. He was right about that. I’d done my best to keep how I was feeling to myself, obviously doing a better job than I’d expected.
Clearly we’d both thought the same thing, keeping our feelings hidden for fear we’d ruin the relationship we already had. I’d never wanted to do anything that could put that at risk, and Mike was obviously the same.
“You’ve got a point,” I said. “I’m glad you wouldn’t let it go tonight.”
“I’m glad we got snowed in together,” he added. “Seriously, last night was absolute agony, being in bed with you and having to keep my hands to myself.”
I looked at him and grinned, glad that he hadn’t kept his hand to himself tonight. What we’d done had gotten out of control a lot faster than I’d expected, but I’d enjoyed every last second of it.
The feeling of him inside of me made my knees go weak, my mind and body ready for more. He was so gentle and so fierce at the same time, completely taking control and owning my pleasure.
It had been far too long since I’d felt anything even half as good.
I wanted to experience him again, over and over until the sun came up, but first we needed to talk. There was too much on the line to just rush in.
“I’m glad that you let your hands roam free tonight,” I said mischievously.
He laughed loudly, leaning in to kiss me ever so softly. I felt my entire body tremble with the touch, breathlessly kissing him back. It all felt far too perfect, like someone was going to come along and wake me from my incredible dream at any moment.
“There’s more where that came from,” he said. “If you want it of course.”
“Of course I do!” I said a little too eagerly.
He just smiled, silence falling over us for a few minutes before he began again.
“So what next?” He asked. “I don’t want to risk what we’ve already got, but there’s no way I want to give this up. What do you think?”
“I agree. Tonight has been amazing and I can’t tell you how long I’ve wanted to tell you how I was feeling. We should just take things one step at a time and see where it leads.”
“And what about work?” He asked. “If this gets out then it could land us in deep trouble.”
I sighed, knowing all too well what might happen if this was discovered. Although I wasn’t completely clear on the policy, I knew that relationships between colleagues were at least heavily frowned upon.
“I guess we cross that brid
ge if we come to it,” I said. “This might not go anywhere I guess, but if it does, we can decide then.”
He seemed satisfied with that answer, nodding in response. A few seconds later he lay back down, looking up at the ceiling as he slid his hands behind his head.
His huge body drew my eyes, every inch of him looking like it had been carved from stone. I’d never seen anyone quite so perfect in real life and I knew I would never see anything as amazing ever again.
“What?” He asked when he saw me looking.
“Just admiring how good you look with your clothes off,” I said.
He grinned up at me, sitting up again. As he did all of his muscles seemed to tighten, making me groan as he leaned in to kiss me again. The warmth of his fingers brushed against my cheek, reaching to tangle in my hair again.
The warmth of his breath tickled my face as he kissed me, his lips meeting mine as our tongues came together again. I could feel myself growing hard with the excitement, my desperate need for him completely taking over.
Unable to keep my hands off him I began to explore that hard body of his, tracing my fingers across his chest and over his stomach. He felt so hard beneath me, the curve of those gorgeous muscles making my mouth water.
Dipping a little lower I traced my fingers down toward his throbbing shaft, stroking him as we embraced, wrapping my fingers tight around his warmth.
As we embraced I began to jack him, knowing that soon enough we would be wrapped together in a tangle of limbs beneath the sheets. There was no way I could resist him again, drawn to him like a moth to a flame.
Chapter 10
We woke up bright and early the next day, each of us aching all over from a night of exertion. Things really had gotten carried away, but I wouldn’t have changed anything for the world.
It all felt so perfect right then as I lay beside my best friend, the feelings and emotions I’d kept locked away finally free to grow.
Everything felt perfect, but the lingering question of what came next came bustling into my mind. I was leaving soon and I hadn’t told Liam yet, but there was no way I could just drop that on him so soon after this had begun.
How would he react? He’d obviously be disappointed and I couldn’t bring myself to shatter the happiness and excitement we were both feeling right then.
For now, I’d need to keep it to myself and tell him when the time was right.
After laying together in bed we finally clambered out, looking outside to see what things looked like. It was still thick with snow but it seemed to be easing off, the sidewalk clearing up a little.
The clouds were still dark grey, but things looked a little brighter out. The worst of it was coming to an end.
As Liam got ready I checked my phone and saw a message on our work chat groups and emails from head office. All of our stores would remain closed for the day and the plan was to reopen tomorrow when things had properly cleared up.
Forwarding the message to the rest of my team, I caught myself smiling, looking forward to another day with Liam. I wasn’t sure what we would do or how things would be between us, but I already had a good feeling about it.
After I was showered and dressed I walked out to find him talking with Gemma. She grinned up at me as I walked into the living room, the pair of them sharing a knowing smile.
“Morning,” she said cheerfully. “I just swung by to see if you wanted to go and grab something to eat?”
“Will anywhere be open?” I asked, feeling doubtful.
Even though it had started to clear up outside it still looked chaotic. The roads were starting to clear, but it would have been difficult for most people to make it in to work.
“There are a few local places down the street,” Gemma said, grabbing her jacket. “They’re bound to be open. I need a change of scenery otherwise I’m gonna go mad, so it’s worth venturing out.”
I grinned and grabbed my jacket, joining her and Liam as we got ready to brave the weather. She was right about a change of scenery right then. We’d been locked away in his apartment for the last couple of days and a breath of fresh air sounded very appealing.
The chance to head home and grab some fresh clothes was also on the top of my to do list, but right then that seemed like something that wasn’t going to happen.
The three of us left the block of flats and walked into the snow, the sound of it crunching beneath my feet lulling me into a sense of peace. Beside me I felt Liam brush his fingers against mine, grabbing for my hand as we walked.
I looked at him and felt myself grinning, pleased that what we’d shared the night before was still there.
“So I hear I was right all along?” Gemma said.
“About?” I replied.
She looked at me and smiled and then nodded at our hands.
“About you two,” she pointed out.
“Gemma’s been telling me for ages to just tell you,” Liam explained. “I wish I’d actually taken her advice sooner.”
“Same,” I said, grinning back at him.
On the way to the nearest place to eat Gemma asked us both all sorts of questions that we didn’t have the answers to. All we knew was that we wanted to be together and right then we were just seeing how things went.
It seemed amazing, but we didn’t know what would come next or where things would actually lead. We knew that we both got on incredibly well, but that didn’t mean we’d be compatible romantically.
Besides, I had the looming situation of moving away. I couldn’t help but wonder if that would break this up, or would we manage to find a way to make it work? If we’d have done this sooner then I wouldn’t have even considered leaving, but now it was too late to change what was happening.
In time I would know the answers, but right then I just had to focus on the here and now.
Luckily for us the first place we went to was open. Pulling up a seat and an empty table we all ordered our food and drink, looking outside at the snow covered sidewalk.
There was no one else there but us, everyone else staying home to avoid the cold. The streets were almost completely abandoned, with only a few people walking by every so often. Everyone else had been sensible, locking themselves away in the warm.
“You think it will have cleared up by tomorrow?” Liam asked.
I shrugged. There was no more snow forecast which hopefully meant they’d be able to get the roads cleared up so people could travel again.
“I hope so,” I said. “I don’t think I can bare another day in the same clothes.”
The three of us laughed, chatting away as the morning drifted by. I had to admit it was a nice change of scenery, somewhere we could escape the confines of the apartment. More than that, it was nice being out with Liam, getting to enjoy that first morning together as a couple, if that’s what we were.
Chatting with him and Gemma drew my attention away, making me feel completely at ease. I couldn’t remember the last time I’d felt so relaxed, and that made me realize just how much I’d wanted something just like this in my life.
For years I’d been chasing my career, throwing my entire life at my job. It seemed like the thing I wanted, but it meant that everything else I could have had just fell away.
I didn’t have any meaningful relationships, apart from my friendship with Liam, and looking back I recognized what a mistake that had been. There was so much more to life than my work, but I’d let it all pass me by.
Focusing on what I had right there in front of me, I pushed that thought aside. Maybe I’d realized too late and lost a chunk of time, but I had something incredible and that last thing I wanted to do was waste a single moment dwelling on the past.
Gemma and Liam chatted eagerly, both of them laughing at something he’d just said. I watched them both, smiling when Liam looked across at me. His eyes seemed to sparkle with excitement, the curve of his lips making my breath catch.
He looked so cute sitting there, his cheeks flushed ever so slightly.
It was the first time I was able to really look at him without hiding how I felt, my eyes staring at him, drinking him in completely.
After about an hour we left the cafe behind, heading back out into the snow, leaving the warmth behind.
“Well, I’m going to head on over and see one of my friends,” Gemma said, hugging Liam goodbye before turning to grin at me.
Our eyes met and she stepped in, pulling me into a tight hug.
“You look after him OK?” She said.
I nodded and laughed, reaching out and pulled Liam close.
“I will,” I said. “Promise.”
We watched her walk away and then turned to look at each other. It was absolutely freezing out, but right then I just wanted to stand there with Liam and hold him close. His eyes never left mine, and after a few seconds I leaned in and kissed him.
Standing together in the snow, we kissed for a long moment, his voice coming out in a soft murmur.
“Shall we head back?” He asked, grinning at me as he pulled away.
I could see the eagerness in his eyes, the need to be back behind closed doors. I felt exactly the same right then, grabbing his hand and tugging him behind me as we made our way back to his apartment.
All the fear and doubt slipped away, leaving me aching for him. The sheer intensity of what I was feeling was completely overwhelming and I knew that no matter what, I wanted to see where this led.
Right then, the thing I wanted more than anything else was to go back to his and hold him close, to kiss him and feel him again. I wanted to experience everything he had to give, and give him everything I had.
Chapter 11
It had been just over a week since we had embarked on this new relationship, the pair of us sharing so much together. It was all so new, so exciting, but deep down I couldn’t help but feel guilty for what I kept to myself.